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国家板带生产先进设备工程技术研究中心 主任


办公地点: 北京科技大学昌平创新园南楼211

办公电话: 010-62332598-6611   传真: 62332947

电子邮件: yangquan@nercar.ustb.edu.cn






1982.9-1986.7 北京钢铁学院机械系本科生,学士学位。
1986.9-1992.7 北京科技大学机械工程学院研究生,博士学位。
2015.11-2016.12 美国西北大学机械系,访问学者。
1992.7- 北京科技大学高效轧制国家工程研究中心、冶金工程研究院、国家板带生产先进装备工程技术研究中心、工程技术研究院教师。北京科技大学第七届学术委员会委员。


1. Zhao J W, Wang X C, Yang Q, et al. Mechanism of lateral metal flow on residual stress distribution during hot rolling[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2020, 288: 116838.
2. Zhao J W, Wang X C, Yang Q, Wang Q N, Liu C, Song G Y. High precision shape model and presetting strategy for strip hot rolling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 265: 99-111.
3. Zhao J W, Yang Q, Wang X C. Physical modeling of flow stress during the hot deformation of Nb steels. Materials Science Forum. 2019, 944: 247-253.
4. Song G Y, Wang X C, Yang Q, et al. Optimization technology of roll contours during skin-pass rolling process of hot-rolled strip. Materials Science Forum, 2019, 944: 237-246.
5. Song G Y, Wang X C, Yang Q. Study on mathematical model of work roll wear in skin-pass rolling of hot steel strip. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97(5-8): 2675-2686.
6. Song G Y, Yang Q, Wang X C. Research on wear evolution laws of the work rolls during hot temper rolling process. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 18(4): 912-919.
7. Dong F, Wang X, Yang Q, et al. In-situ measurement of Ti-6Al-4V grain size distribution using laser-ultrasonic technique. Scripta Materialia, 2018, 154: 40-44.
8. Zhang Y, Wang X, Yang Q, et al. Characterization of mean grain size of interstitial-free steel based on laser ultrasonic. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53(11): 8510-8522.
9. Zhang Y J, Wang X C, Yang Q, et al. Nondestructive Evaluation Method of Average Grain Size in TWIP Steel by Laser Ultrasonic. Materials Science Forum, 2018, 913:324-330.
10. Dong F, Yang Q, Krishnaswamy S. Grain size distribution measurement of Ti-6Al-4V plate using laser-ultrasonics. Acoustical Society of America Journal, 2017, 142(4):2546-2546.
11. Dong Feng, Wang Xiaochen, Yang Quan, et al. Directional dependence of aluminum grain size measurement by laser-ultrasonic technique. Materials characterization, 2017, 129: 114-120.
12. Anmin Yin , Xiaochen Wang, Christ Glorieux, Quan Yang, Feng Dong, Fei He, Yanlong Wang, Jan Sermeus, Tom Van der Donck, Xuedao Shu. Texture in steel plates revealed by laser ultrasonic surface acoustic waves velocity dispersion analysis. Ultrasonics. 2017, 78(7): 30-39.
13. YIN Anmin, YANG Quan, SHU Xuedao, WANG Xiaochen, HE Fei. Determination of Grain Size in Ultra-Low Carbon Steel Sheets By Laser Ultrasonic Technique. 3nd International Symposium on Advanced Rolling Equipment Technologies (ISARET 2015). Qinhuangdao, Hebei: Advances in Rolling Equipment and Technologies III. 2015.
14. HE Fei, YIN An-min, YANG Quan. Grain Size Measurement in Steel by Laser Ultrasonics Based on Time Domain Energy. Materials Transactions. 2015,56(6):808-812.
15. Anmin Yin, Quan Yang, Fei He, Xiaochen Wang, Christ Glorieux. Textural Through-Thickness Inhomogeneity of Interstitial-Free Steel and Its Influence on Plastic Anisotropy Prediction. Materials Transactions. 2014, 55(12):1847-1851.
16. Haiyu WANG, Quan YANG, et al. Study and Application of Camber Control Model of Intermediate Slab in Rough Rolling. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2014, 21(9): 817-822
17. Xiaochen WANG, Quan YANG, Zhengyi JIANG and Jinwu XU. Research on the Improvement Effect of High Tension on Flatness Deviation in Cold Strip Rolling. Steel Research International, 2014, 85(11): 1560-1570.
18. Xiaochen WANG, Quan YANG, Ruijun LIU, Jie MENG, Defu GUO, Youzhao SUN. Temperature Field Analysis of Intermediate Slab in Hot Coil Box based on ANSYS Finite Element Method. Journal of University of Science and technology Beijing, 2013, 35(4):454-458.
19. Anmin Yin, Quan Yang, Fei He, Huifang Xiao. Determination of Grain Size in Deep Drawing Steel Sheet by Laser Ultrasonics. Materials Transactions. 2014, 55(7):994-997.
20. HE Fei, YIN An-min, YANG Quan. Research on Online Texture Measurements in Metal Rolling Field. J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.), 2012, 17(6): 690-696.
21. Anmin Yin, Quan Yang, Xiaochen Wang, Fei He, Youzhao Sun. On-Line Determination of Texture in Deep Drawing Steel Sheet by Two-Dimensional X-ray Diffraction. 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Rolling Equipment Technologies (ISARET 2012). Beijing: Advances in Rolling Equipment and Technologies II. 2012.
22. Anmin YIN, Quan YANG, Xiaochen WANG, Fei HE, Youzhao SUN. On-line determination of texture in deep drawing steel sheet by two-dimensional X-ray diffraction. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 572:322-327.
23. Quan YANG, Yan ZHANG, Chengwei LI, et al. New methods of quality control systems on strip rolling mills. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 572:37-42.
24. Yan ZHANG, Quan YANG, et al. Deviation Prevention Ability of Rollers in Continuous Annealing Furnace and Application. Journal of Iron and Steel Research (International), 2012, 125(12):1-5.
25. Xiaochen WANG, Quan YANG. Research on Asymmetric Shape Control Character and Generalized Overall Shape Control Strategy for Universal Crown Mill. Journal of Mechanical Engineering,


1. 国家科技进步一等奖1项
2. 国家科技进步二等奖1项
3. 冶金工业部科技进步一等奖1项、三等奖1项
4. 教育部科技进步一等奖1项
5. 冶金科学技术奖一等奖1项、二等奖1项

