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办公地点: 北京科技大学昌平创新园南楼406

办公电话: 010-62332958-6421   传真: 010-62332947

电子邮件: liujianhua@metall.ustb.edu.cn




《炼钢》、《特殊钢》、《Carbon Neutrality Frontiers》编委会委员


1984.9-1988.6 北京科技大学冶金物理化学专业 大学本科
1988.4-1991.3 北京科技大学无机非金属材料专业 硕士研究生
1996.9-2001.6 北京科技大学冶金物力化学专业 博士研究生
1991.3-2001.6 北京科技大学冶金学院 助理研究员
2001.7-2006.6 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院 副教授 硕士生导师
2006.7-至今 北京科技大学工程技术研究院 教授 博士生导师
2000.1-2000.10 加拿大麦吉尔大学矿冶材料系 访问学者
2006.7-2000.9 澳大利亚拉筹伯大学 访问学者
2022.10-2022.11 德国亚琛工业大学 访问学者


1.Zhang YD, Liu JH, He Y, Li W, Zhang S, Zhou WJ. Kinetics of Nitrogen Absorption/Vacuum Denitrigenization and Precipitation Behavior of Nitrogen Bubbles in 42CrMoA Molten Steel[J]. Steel Research International. 2024, 2400071.
2.Liu JH, Peng HB, He Y, Yang X, Xu H, Hou YB, You DL. Thermal Effect and Metallurgical Characteristics of Hydrogen Bottom Blowing in Top-bottom Blowing Converter[J]. Metals. 2022, 12(10):1633.
3.Zhang S, Liu JH, He Y, Zhou C, Yuan BH, Zhang M, Barati M. Study of Dispersed Micro-bubbles and Improved Inclusion Removal in Ruhrstahl–Heraeus (RH) Refining with Argon Injection Through Down Leg[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2023, 54(5):2047-2359.
4. Xu H, Liu JH, He Y, Liu HB. Performance Analysis of Hydrogen Blowing in High Manganese Stainless Steel Smelting[J]. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2023, 25(7):2377-2391.
5.Zhang S, Liu JH, He Y, Zhou CH, Yuan BH, Mclean A. Bubble Formation by Argon Injection through the Down-leg Snorkel with Ruhrstahl-Heraeus (RH) Circulating Flow[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2022, 306:117647.
6.李亚强; 刘建华; 邓振强; 仇圣桃; 张佩; 郑桂云; 15CrMoG钢包晶凝固特征与机制, 金属学报, 2020,56(10):1335-1342
8.Shen Yaozu, Liu jianhua, Xu Hao, Liu Hongbo,High‐Temperature Tensile Properties and Deformation Behavior of Three As‐Cast High‐Manganese Steels,Steel Research International,2020:2000313
9.Shen Yaozu, Liu jianhua, Xu Hao, Liu Hongbo,Micro-segregation Study of Directional Solidified Fe–Mn–C–Al TWIP Steels,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,51B(12):2963-2975
10.Yang He, Zhenqiang Deng, Jianhua Liu, Baijun Yan, Chunlin Chen. Hot-deformation characteristics and dynamic softening of as-cast FeCrAl alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(3):6632-6641
11.Hongbo Liu, Jianhua Liu, Johannes Schenk, Markus Penz Florian, Li Sun, Ruizhong Zhang and Zhiguo An. Effect of CO2 and O2 mixed injection on the decarburization and manganese retention in high-Mn twinning-induced plasticity steels, Metallurgical and materials Transactions B, 2020, 51B(4):2136-2146, 756-762
12.Li, Yaqiang; He, Yang; Liu, Jianhua; Deng, Zhenqiang; Qiu, Shengtao; Zhang, Pei; Zheng, Guiyun; Effects of austenite deformation on continuous cooling transformation of the pearlite heat-resistant steel, Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 2020, 36(7):1-7.
13.Yaqiang Li, Yang He, Jianhua Liu, Heng Cui, Shengtao Qiu, Pei Zhang, Guiyun Zhang. Phase transformation and microstructure evolution of pearlite heat-resistant steel during heating, Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 36(7): 771-782
14.Jie Zhang, Jianhua Liu, Saijian Yu, Xiaofeng Su, Baijun Yan, Yang He. Bubble growth and floating behavior during degassing process of molten steel/(N2, H2) system, ISIJ International, 2020, 60(3): 470-480
15.Yaozu Shen, Jianhua Liu, Shufeng Yang, Baijun Yan, Yang He, Hongbo Liu, Hao Xu. Dendrite growth behavior in directionally solidified Fe–C–Mn–Al alloys, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019, 511: 118-126.
16.Yaozu Shen, Shufeng Yang, Jianhua Liu, Hongbo Liu, Ruijie Zhang, Hao Xu, Yang He. Study on Micro Segregation of High Alloy Fe–Mn–C–Al Steel, Steel Research International, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/srin.201800546.
19.Xiaofeng Su, Yilong Ji, Jianhua Liu, Yang He, Shaobo Shen and Heng Cui, Analysis on residence time distribution curve of continuous casting tundish by combined model, Steel Research, 2018
20.Jie Zhang, Jianhua Liu, Saijian Yu, Daxi Dong, Gongliang Wang and Shiqi Li, Production of clean stell using the nitrogen elevating and reducing method, metals, 2018
21.Zhenqiang Deng, Jianhua Liu, Baijun Yan, Yang He. Monotonous deformation behavior of ferritic FeCrAl alloy in the dynamic strain aging regime, Journal of Alloys and Componds, 2018(749):664-671
22.Yang He, Jianhua Liu, Shengtao Qiu, Zhenqiang Deng, Yindong Yang, Alexander McLean. Interfacial morphology evolution in directionally solidified FeCrAl alloys, Materials Characterization, 2018(139):303-310
23.Yang He, Jianhua Liu, Shengtao Qiu, Zhenqiang Deng, Yindong Yang, Alexander McLean. Microstructure and high temperature mechanical properties of as-cast FeCrAl alloys, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2018(726):56-63
25.张杰,刘建华,闫柏军,李康伟,刘洪波,俞赛健。增氮析氮法去除硅锰脱氧钢中夹杂物的研究, 工程科学学报,2018,40(8):937-944
26.Yang he, Jianhua Liu, Shengtao Qiu, Zhenqiang Deng, Jie Zhang, Yaozu Shen. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Al-La alloys with varying La contents, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2017(701):134-142
27.Yang he, Jianhua Liu, Zhibiao Han, Zhenqiang Deng, Xiaofeng Su, Yilong Ji. Phase transformation and precipitation during solidification of FeCrAl alloy for automobile exhaust gas purifying systems, Journal of Alloys and Componds, 2017(714):251-257
28.Yilong Ji, Shaobo Shen, Jianhua Liu, et al. A green and efficient process for extracting chromium from vanadium slag by an innovative three-phase roasting reaction[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5 (7):6008–6015
29.Yilong Ji, Shaobo Shen, Jianhua Liu, et al. Cleaner and effective process for extracting vanadium from vanadium slag by using an innovative three-phase roasting reaction[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 149: 1068-1078.
30.Yilong Ji, Shaobo Shen, Jianhua Liu, et al. Extracting Chromium from Stainless Steel Slags by NaOH‐Added Pellet Roasting Followed by Water Leaching[J]. Steel Research International, 2017, 88(9):1-8
31.Kangwei Li, Jianhua Liu, Jie Zhang, Shaobo Shen, Theoretical Analysis of bubble nucleation in molten steel supersaturated with nitrogen or hydrogen, Metallurgical and materials Transactions B, 2017, 48(4):2136-2146
32.Jianhua Liu, Xiaofeng Su, Hongbo Liu, Zhibiao Han, Yang He, Shengtao Qiu, Solidification interface transformation and solute redistribution of FeCrAl stainless steel, Metallurgical Research and Technology, 2017, 114(4): 1-8
34.邓振强,刘建华,何杨,韩志彪,苏晓峰,丁浩。FeCrAl不锈钢的平衡凝固相变与析出行为,工程科学学报, 2017,39(5):711-720
35.刘洪波,刘建华,沈少波,等.铝含量对TWIP钢中夹杂物特征及AlN析出行为的影响[J]. 工程科学学报, 2017, 39(7): 1008-1019




1.刘建华, 潘宇康, 何杨, 张杰, 闫柏军, 邓振强. 一种底吹氢气强化电炉冶炼的方法, 2021-5-18, 中国, ZL 202110542591.5
2.刘建华, 张硕, 何杨. 一种采用氢气提高RH精炼效果的方法, 2021-7-28,中国,ZL 202110859960.3
3.劉建華, 張碩, 何楊. 水素ガスを用いてRH精錬効果を向上する方法,  2023-4-7, 日本, 特許第7258381号
4.刘建华, 张硕, 何杨, 张杰. 一种在RH精炼钢液中生成微小气泡的方法,2019-9-19,中国,ZL 201910896744.9.
8.刘建华,何杨,邓振强,闫柏军. 一种调控Al-La合金抗拉强度和塑性的方法,ZL 201710159677.3
9.刘建华,张杰,何杨,丁浩,邓振强。一种在钢液中生成微小气泡的方法,公开(公告)号 : CN106086315A,申请日:2016.8.16;公告日:2016.11.9
10.刘建华;吴博威;徐言东。一种微波隧道窑生产纳米氧化锌粉和超细铁粉的生产设备,ZL 2018 2 1389743.2;申请日:2018.08.27;公告日:2019.04.09
11.刘建华,焦楷。一种焦炉烟气资源处理和利用的方法。ZL 201810509083.5 申请日:2018.05.24;公告日:2019.06.25
12.刘建华;刘洪波;申耀祖;丁浩;徐浩。采用CO2+O2混合气体吹炼实现脱碳保锰冶炼中高锰钢的方法,ZL 201710913437.8,申请日2017/09/30;公告日2019/4/9(51574022)
13.刘建华,刘建,吴博威。一种加热钢液的方法,公开(公告)号 : CN105779694A,申请日:2016.4.29;公告日:2016.7.20
14.刘建华;庄昌凌;江海涛;郭军儒,一种高强度高塑性TWIP钢电渣重熔生产方法,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0499144.1,授权公告日:2016.1.20;CN103526038B
15.刘建; 季益龙; 张游游; 闫永其; 杜建新,一种利用微波加热锰矿冶炼锰铁合金的方法,专利号:ZL 2015 1 0024668.4
16.刘建华;刘建;季益龙,一种将微波引入脱硅法冶炼低碳锰铁的方法,2015/9/2, 北京, CN201510338464.8;专利号:ZL 2015 1 0338464.8
17.刘建华,庄昌凌,江海涛,章平,一种采用氩氧炉冶炼低碳TWIP钢的生产方法,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0364481.X,申请号:201310364481.X,授权公告日:2015.6.24,公告号:CN103468874A
18.刘建华; 魏付豪. 一种烧结烟气处理和利用的方法,CN104988264A,ZL 201510283510.9


1. 国家863计划项目“炼钢-连铸-轧钢全流程仿真与优化控制设计平台”
2. 国家十一五支撑项目“炼钢-轧钢综合节能与环保技术”
3. 国家自然科学基金项目“增氢析氢法钢中夹杂物深度去除基理研究”
4. 国家自然科学基金项目“汽车尾气净化器载体用高铝不锈钢凝固特性及调控”
5. 国家自然科学基金项目“Fe-Mn-C(-Al)系孪晶诱导塑性(TWIP)钢凝固特性与调控机制研究”
6. 国家自然科学基金海外青年项目“Non-metallic inclusions in TWIP-steels”
7. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“气泡浮选去除夹杂物技术研究”
8. 国际合作项目“Comprehensive Research on the Application of By-Products from Iron and Steel Mills”
9. 国际合作项目“Removal of chromium from stainless steel slags”
10. 高端外国专家项目“先进高强汽车用TWIP钢基础及关键技术研究”
11. 攀钢集团西昌钢钒“RH深脱碳工艺技术研究”
12. 莱钢“高压锅炉管钢表面发纹控制技术研究”
13. 日照钢铁“近终形异型坯连铸模拟研究”
14. 日照钢铁“ESP连铸中间包流场物理模拟研究”
15. 北部湾新材料有限公司“二氧化碳与氧气混合吹炼脱碳保锰实验研究”
16. 攀钢集团西昌钢钒“含钛IF钢夹杂物行为”
17. 涟钢“Mn13转炉-连铸-轧制工艺技术研究 ”
18. 河北奥森钢铁“中间罐水模试验、中间罐夹杂物及气泡试验研究”
19. 吉林建龙无取向硅钢技术研究与开发
20. 涟钢超深冲IF钢全流程工艺研究与产品开发
21. 莱钢船板及海洋平台用钢的开发
22. 东北特钢汽车尾气净化器载体用FeCrAl不锈钢工业化试制及应用推广
23. 马钢马钢异型连铸坯裂纹行为及改进对策的研究
24. 中原特钢高压锅炉管P12和模具钢H13的洁净度研究
25. 邯钢管线钢X80生产技术研发