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程磊,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,现就职于北京科技大学工程技术研究院。2017.08 ~2018.09赴日本东北大学国家公派博士联合培养,主持国自然青年基金1项,博士后特殊站前基金1项,相关横向课题6项。第一作者在MSEA、Materials Characterization、International Journal of Fatigue等国际期刊发表论文15篇,授权发明专利3项。自主设计开发了一套气氛保护高/低温原位力学试验装备,可开展宽温域范围内拉伸、压缩、蠕变、疲劳、三点弯曲等多种力学实验,能够原位表征样品表面微米尺度的晶界迁移、熔融凝固、裂纹萌生扩展等现象,为材料微观断裂机制研究奠定了实验基础。


[1] L. Cheng, C. Cao, Y. Han, X. Duan, W. Yu, Q. Cai, Initiation of high-temperature fatigue cracks at the most tip of fractured grain boundaries, INT J FATIGUE, 178(2024) 107992.
[2] 程磊, 张旭航, 韩盈, 程志诚, 余伟, 中间层材料Fe和Nb对高强钛-钢复合管界面及剪切强度的影响, 金属学报, 60(2024) 117-128.
[3] L. Cheng, Q. Guo, W. Yu, Y. Han, Q. Cai, Comparative Study of θ Projection Method and Its Modified Forms on Creep Life Prediction, STEEL RES INT, 94(2023).
[4] L. Cheng, W. Yu, Y. Han, Z. Cheng, Q. Cai, A study of severely deformed austenite and transformed martensite: Texture inheritance and high-temperature fracture anisotropy, MATER TODAY COMMUN, 34(2023) 105421.
[5] L. Cheng, W. Yu, Q.W. Cai, Q. Yang, Microscopic characteristics of slip process in a bainitic steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 812(2021) 141122.
[6] L. Cheng, W. Yu, Q.W. Cai, Q. Yang, Effects of prior austenite grain boundaries on high-temperature fatigue properties of a 2.2Cr heat resistant steel, INT J FATIGUE, 148(2021) 106254.
[7] 程磊, 余伟, 蔡庆伍, 显微带细化组织和两相组织对低Cr合金钢高温断裂行为的影响, 材料研究学报, 34(2020) 21-28.
[8] L. Cheng, Y.L. Chen, X.F. Gu, W. Yu, Q.W. Cai, K. Suzuki, H. Miura, R.D.K. Misra, A quasi in-situ study on the deformation mechanism in a 2.2Cr heat resistant steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 788(2020) 139557.
[9] L. Cheng, Q. Cai, W. Yu, J. Lv, H. Miura, Coarsening of nanoscale (Ti,Mo)C precipitates in different ferritic matrixes, MATER CHARACT, 142(2018) 195-202.
[10] L. Cheng, W. Yu, Q. Cai, J. Lv, H. Miura, Effects of prior microstructures and deformation parameters on the ultra-refining uniformity of Ti-Mo ferritic steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 733(2018) 108-116.
[11] L. Cheng, Q. Cai, J. Lv, W. Yu, H. Miura, Superdense microbands strengthening of textured low alloy ferritic steel, J ALLOY COMPD, 746(2018) 482-489.
[12] L. Cheng, Y. Chen, Q. Cai, W. Yu, G. Han, E. Dong, X. Li, Precipitation enhanced ultragrain refinement of Ti-Mo microalloyed ferritic steel during warm rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 698(2017) 117-125.
[13] L. Cheng, Q. Cai, E. Dong, X. Li, Influence of ferrite matrix and precipitation status on the mechanical properties of low carbon low alloy steel during high temperature tension, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 678(2016) 1-9.
[14] L. Cheng, Q. Cai, B. Xie, Z. Ning, X. Zhou, G. Li, Relationships among microstructure, precipitation and mechanical properties in different depths of Ti–Mo low carbon low alloy steel plate, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 651(2016) 185-191.


[1] 程磊, 余伟, 张旭航, 韩盈, 程志诚, 蔡庆伍; 一种具有宽温域特征的材料组织性能原位检测设备, ZL 202110932513.6.
[2] 程磊, 杨助, 余伟, 周行, 程志诚, 韩盈; 一种汽车桥壳用高强钢中厚板坯的加热装备及冲压工艺, ZL 202210643397.0
[3] 程磊, 余伟, 李萧, 蔡庆伍; 一种气氛保护的高温拉伸试验装置, ZL 201922009842.4


[1] 高温原位揭示G115耐热钢的晶界粘化机理及其微观变形和连续损伤机制,自然科学青年基金,主持;
[2] 耐热合金钢的晶界调控及其性能研究,中国博士后特殊站前基金,主持;
[3] 9Ni钢热轧表面缺陷性能和组织检测,南京钢铁股份有限公司,主持;
[4] 钛合金铸锭HX组织结构及成分检测,西部超导材料科技股份有限,主持;
[5] 汽车桥壳用中厚板冲压工艺开发,陕西汉德车桥有限公司,主持;
[6] 电解槽用抗石墨化高强度钢开发与标准制定,酒钢集团宏兴钢铁,技术负责;
[7] 汽车冲压钢板工艺开发,酒钢集团宏兴钢铁,技术负责;